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Subject: Documentation for TreeDir Version 0.92
Date: March 4, 1992
By: J. Rockford Cogar, 119 Oklahoma Ave. Oak Ridge, TN 37830
[Voice] (615) 483-3991
I. Introduction.
II. TDIR The Interactive TreeDir Program.
1. Introduction.
2. Feature List.
3. Installation of File Manager Program.
4. Command Line Syntax.
III. TD The non-interactive TreeDir Program.
1. Normal Use.
2. How to Send a report to a Disk File.
3. How to Send a report to a Disk File.
IV. Technical Notes.
V. Packing List.
I. Introduction.
TreeDir is a set of two programs to find out how much file storage is in
every subdirectory on a hard disk. When would this kind of data be
useful? Whenever you start running short of space on your hard disk. The
TreeDir programs and all source code are FREEWARE. Use this code any way
you want.
There are two versions of TreeDir. The fancy one, TDIR.EXE, is a full
screen interactive program that allows hard disk wide management. The
other TreeDir program is called TD.EXE. TD.EXE generates a simple listing
of directory by directory storage uses.
II. TDIR The Interactive TreeDir Program.
1. Introduction.
Because the report generated by TreeDir can be very long (one line for
every subdirectory on the hard disk), an iteractive version of TreeDir
has been included. The interactive TreeDir program is named TDIR.EXE.
From the DOS command line, type:
to start the program. After doing a search of the directory structure of
your disk, TDIR will generate a screen that resembles a text editor
containing something like the following text:
Subdirectory Storage in KB
\PERI 369
\MOD 690
\PAS 916
\TET 61
\TC 906
\SOU 243
\LIB 129
\CPP 1603
\ASM 547
\CMP 33
\ZIP 246
\TDBUG 731
The names listed on the left are subdirectories, not filenames. Each
subdirectory name is indented 2 spaces for every level of depth in the
directory tree. For example the subdirectory '\ZIP' is three levels deep
in the 'tree'.
The numbers in the right column are the sums of all the file sizes in
each respective subdirectory. The subirectory '\CPP' contains 1603
KiloBytes of disk storage (or: 1603 * 1024 = 1641472 bytes).
You can use the normal movement arrows and page keys to move the bounce
bar to different lines. If you want to exit TDIR into the selected
directory press enter. If you want to run a file manager program such as
PC Magazine's CO.COM, press F4. To exit where you started from press
ESC. If you want to do a string search press F9 and enter the sought
string. Other keys, Home, End, F1 etc, work in the standard fashion.
The source code for TDIR is CONIO.ASM and TDIR.PAS. A Macro Assembler
(ie: TASM or MASM) and Borland Turbo Pascal 6.0 is required to rebuild
2. Feature List.
The iteractive version of TreeDir includes the following features:
1. Ability to view up to 9999 subdirectory records.
2. Full cursor control using PgUp, PgDn, Direction keys etc.
3. String Search
4. Drop to the specified directory with a bounce bar
5. Call up a file manager program such as PC Magazines CO.COM to
operate in a selected directory.
6. Can also be used to view text files with the "-f" comman
3. Installation of File Manager Program.
The default name of the file manager program used by TDIR is
"C:\UTIL\CO.COM". The location of that string begins at offset 03038h in
the file TDIR.EXE. Where offset:
03038h is the length byte for the file manager program name
03039h first byte of the file manager program name
03079h last available byte for the file manager program name
You can use a debugger or a hex editor to alter this section of data to
match your system.
4. Command Line Syntax.
a. Required.
b. Drive Option.
This allows TDIR to be run on other drives.
c. File Browse Mode Option.
Will run TDIR as a file browser on the file TDIR.DOC.
III. TD The non-interactive TreeDir Program.
1. Normal Use.
To run the non-interactive version of TreeDir just type TD <ENTER>.
TreeDir will then search through every subdirectory on your hard disk
then generate a report similar to what is shown in section II.1. Output
from TD is sent to the STDOUT device (DOS TTY). This means that the
output can be redirected to files, printers or piped to other programs.
2. How to Send a report to a Disk File.
Just use standard DOS redirection. For example:
TD > sdir.rep <ENTER>
Will send the report to a file named 'SDIR.REP'.
3. How to Send a report to a Disk File.
TD > prn <ENTER>
IV. Technical Notes.
While TreeDir is searching through the hard disk all output to the screen is
done using calls to code in the Video BIOS. This will work correctly in any
video mode. When TreeDir writes out the report it calls code in DOS to
output data to STDOUT.
TreeDir was written in a mixture of Borland Turbo Pascal and Borland Turbo
V. Packing List.
Filename Description
TD.EXE The TreeDir Program
TD.PAS Source Code for the
TD.DOC This Document
TDIR.PAS Source Code for the Interactive TreeDir Program.
TDIR.EXE The Interactive TreeDir Program
CONIO.OBJ Video object code to 'link' into TDIR.exe
CONIO.ASM Source Code for the video code